2007年5月27日 星期日

Punky Panda. 胖克熊貓

their honeymoon at JinMei,
the panda doll is my character design. in 2006

Song/ Astral Plane

The Modern Lovers version - Lyrics

Tonight I'm all alone in my room
I'll go insane if you won't sleep with me
I'll still be with you
I'm gonna meet you on the astral plane
The astral plane for dark at night
The astral plane or I'll go insane

Well I don't see you and it's getting dark
Today we should have gone to a Central Park
Well don't you want to see me ever again?
If not I'll meet you on the astral plane
The astral plane for late at night
The astral plane or I'd go insane

Well we've known each other from other lives
I want to see you today
But I'll prove my knowledge of what's inside
When I intercept you on the astral plane
The astral plane for late at night
The astral plane or I'd go insane


Well I don't see you and it's getting dark
I'd have a lot to say
But you're not the one that I can say it to
At least not today
Oh, well I don't remember it afterwords
I don't yet know the words!
But I know we've been together just this week
We've been together on the astral plane
The astral plane for late at night
The astral plane or I'd go insane

Well Tonight I'm all alone in my room
I'll go insane if you won't sleep with me
I'll still be with you
I'm gonna meet you on the astral plane
The astral plane for dark at night
The astral plane or I'll go insane

old case4. 台北喜來登 / Sheraton Taipei

做連續兩年的中秋禮盒 , 約在 2004-2006 之間

my punky panda. 我的胖克熊貓

my original design

2007年5月26日 星期六

NoteBook. 筆記本

Note book i made two years ago for Zabu to display.
Zabu is a cute place. check it out!


old case3. 國華KaoHwa for magazine layout

2007年5月24日 星期四

斷背山 / Broken Back Monutain.

what a wonderful back.
( i use my roommate's camera took a foto for him.)

in 2006

Sketch serial 1. 黑白畫

in 2006

mmm.....so in love.

thus people r disgusting!

in 2006.

old case2. Noolex. Noodle錶.

so funny, i made watches!

( i helped six studio design Noodoll's watch. )

see this brand.

No Wonder I Am Pregnant Now.

i made this basket with my baby(Adam) in last year Dream Parade.(2006)
and my baby he made thus babies in picture.,too.

baby, basket, baby, basket.
it's all baby stuff, no wonder i am pregnant now.

old case1. 台灣大哥大 / Taiwan Mobile

2006 台灣大哥大 / Taiwan Mobile

this case really spended me a long time to do it ,
i got million vision for this case, this is the final one.
and i heard of this dog became a great hit on their market promotion.

追麻雀 Chasing Sparrow

i will say this is my first time to play in band. being a drumer,
so great , so blind , like a kid runs in a forest with no shoes always
bleeds but never feel hurt. how wonderful isn't?!

i choose few poster and sticker i made for my band.
first picture with a boy shows his underwear is my friend Patrick's
photo, and i did the graphic change.
the secend one is i use the chinese word do a graffito.

Chasing Sparrow
2003 - 2007

our music:::

video on youtube

四點全摸 / Touch My Four Point.

by XiaoHoZi Adam 2006

Air Sex 空中愛

In ShiJr, Dream community. laundry room. Oct, 2006.


在汐止. 夢想社區. 洗衣間. 2006. 十月

by yuchen and adam

蜜月 Honeymoon.

in JinMei, 2006

小猴子與小兔子在景美的蜜月期. 2006

by yuchen